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BKT Scores Two Major Indian Awards

BKT Two Indian Awards

The Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) has awarded the tyre manufacturer the prize of Water Management Excellence, with the All India Rubber Industries Association (AIRIA) also awarding the manufacturer the Highest Export – Tyre Sector Award. BKT’s two special awards indicate that the manufacturer is making noticeable strides in its business and sustainability practices.

Jury Honours BKT with Special Prize Honouring Company’s Commitment to Sustainability

The CII jury honoured BKT with a special award for water management excellence at the ceremony, which took place in Bhuj, India from 6-7th December. Bhuj is the location where BKT has its largest manufacturing site and is where the major operations using raw materials and water usage occur.

BKT’s water consumption at its Bhuj plant has decreased despite the rise of activities, which is possible thanks to the rainwater harvesting systems that reduce ground-water withdrawal. The harvesting systems, together with innovation in processes is how BKT has been saving water, something that didn’t go unnoticed by the CII.

The “Highest Export Award – Tyre Sector” honour, given by the AIRIA celebrated BKT’s export performance, with the company collecting the award at the ceremony on December 17th in Pune.

“These recognitions mean a lot for BKT,” explains Arvind Poddar, Chairman and Managing Director of BKT. “We work hard to make all our operations sustainable, to have a healthy business from all points of view, to excel and to reach the whole world with our products. We are proud to do it from India, where the tyres are created, and we are proud that our sustainable and business efforts are also recognised in our own country. These awards spur us to do even better, to forge ahead and to go on improving.”

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