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Truck Registrations in Spain from ANFAC Show Strong Growth in April 2024

Spanish LCV Pandemic

The latest data released by ANFAC (Asociación Española de Fabricantes de Automóviles y Camiones) reveals growth in truck registrations across various segments in Spain for the month of April 2024.

ANFAC Publishes April Registration Figures

In April 2024, a total of 15,696 new light commercial vehicles were registered, marking an impressive 47.6% increase compared to April 2023. Year-to-date registrations for LCVs in 2024 have reached 53,530 units, showing a notable 19.5% increase compared to the same period last year. Regions like La Comunidad de Madrid and Cataluña experienced significant growth, with registrations soaring by 40.8% and 45% respectively in April.

The segment of industrial vehicles also saw substantial growth, with 2,882 new registrations in April 2024, representing a robust 49.9% increase compared to April 2023. Year-to-date registrations for industrial vehicles in 2024 have reached 10,946 units, indicating a solid 22.9% increase over the same period in 2023. Key manufacturers like IVECO and Renault Trucks contributed significantly to this growth, with 694 and 415 units registered in April respectively. The regions of Madrid and Cataluña stood out with 520 and 511 registrations respectively in April.

April 2024 witnessed a remarkable surge in bus registrations, with 480 new units registered, marking a substantial 72.7% increase compared to April 2023. Year-to-date registrations for buses in 2024 have reached 1,542 units, showing a strong 23.7% increase over the same period last year. Notably, the Canary Islands experienced an extraordinary increase, with 95 units registered in April, a staggering 1800% growth compared to the previous year. Scania emerged as a key player in this segment with 86 units registered in April.

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