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UK Tractor Sales Healthier, Surpass 2020 Levels

UK Tractor Sales 2020

Although November saw a fairly big drop, 2021 has very much been a year of recovery for the industry, with a healthy 13.8% increase in December 2021 against December 2020, leading to a strong 15.8% year-to-year increase in figures released by the AEA (Agricultural Engineer’s Association).

Tractor Market Stays Focused on Recovery

2021 was a solid year for the agricultural sector, with only two months of the year showing decreases in sales. In total, there were 12,017 registrations for tractors above 50hp, which easily surpassed the 10,380 registrations logged in 2020.

The healthy figures show a rejuvenated agricultural market, with both the Netherlands and Spain showing healthy gains for 2021, although the final figures for the end of the year for both countries should be unveiled later this month. Undoubtedly, the recovery within the sector is overwhelmingly positive news for the sector.

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