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SPOTECH Increasing Equipment and Tyre Efficiency for BKT

SPOTECH Equipment Tyre BKT

BKT has now developed SPOTECH, an innovative device able to provide exact information on the equipment position traced by satellite. It can be programmed and tailored as to the application site volumes and type of equipment in use.


The objective is a kinematic motion analysis: The system, indeed, comprises a triaxial accelerometer positioned on the equipment in order to record latitudinal, longitudinal, and vertical movements as well as the forces involved in addition to speed, cycle duration and other useful parameters for increasing the customer’s job efficiency in the earthmoving and port sector.  

All information obtained by SPOTECH enable the creation of a real study on tyre usage according to their effects and impacts on the piece of equipment it is fitted on.

In the field of OTR, for which this device has been originally designed, equipment generally performs repeated cycles. This enables to assess the TKPH value, i.e. a dumper’s strength by analysing the weight that is transported on the average and the distance in kilometers per hour.

Basically, a higher TKPH index means that a tyre is not suitable for the application in use, whereas it is perfect if the result is lower. The BKT experts can assist users by offering precious suggestions in order to correctly interpret the data and to intervene, if necessary, with corrective actions on the tyres.

At a port yard, you never have repeated cycles. Hence, it has been a much more complex task finding a constant value to be measured. Here becomes essential the use of a GoPro cam installed on the equipment registering videos from the operator’s prospective being synchronised with the data recorded by the device, and enquiring, for instance, how many containers are on the move every hour, the average speed per hour, or the average distance travelled with or without load.

“In this type of operation many things come to light on the field. In Germany, we have cooperated with some users, who have explicitly requested our analyses, since other companies offering this type of service in the end did not provide that kind of feedback customers really needed,” Piero Torassa, BKT engineer states.

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